We invite proposals for programs for the 2025–26 year due by April 11, 2025
News & Announcements
Repost: Conference report on Buddhism & the Body in Tibet Symposium
Buddhism & the Body Symposium conference report by Ian Turner in Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies News Blog
Postdoctoral Fellowship Position: Department for the Study of Religion & The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies
Posting date: February 14, 2024 The Department for the Study of Religion (DSR) and the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies (Ho Centre) at the University of Toronto invite applications from recent holders of a PhD (2022 and onward) in the Study of Religion (or cognate field) for a postdoctoral fellowship […]
Phool Maya Chen Award 2021-22: Andrea Wollein and Andrew Dade
Congratulations to Andrea and Andrew for being awarded the 2021-22 Phool Maya Chen Scholarship! Andrea Wollein is a PhD candidate at the Department for the Study of Religion. She holds an MA in Modern South Asian Studies and a BA in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Her dissertation explores innovations within the Newar Vajrayāna Buddhist tradition through […]
Tibetan Studies Scholar Joins the U of T
The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Toronto is glad to welcome Dr. Rory Lindsay to our Buddhist Studies community in a new Assistant Professor position in the Department for the Study of Religion. With support from the Department and the Centre for Buddhist Studies, the new position has been […]
CFP > Buddhism and Breath Summit
Call for Participants! The Buddhism and Breath Summit will be an online event that explores Buddhist practices of working with the breath and/or bodily “winds”. Presenters will address how Buddhist presentations of breath, “wind” or “life force” (prāṇa in Sanskrit, qi in Chinese, or rlung in Tibetan, for example) have influenced contemplative, philosophical, and medical […]
We stand in solidarity and care: A letter from our Director
After yet another week of racist and misogynist violence directed at Asians and those of Asian descent in North America, I write to express solidarity with and deep care for all colleagues, communities, and families who are experiencing escalating anti-Asian harassment and violence. The Ho Centre for Buddhist Studies condemns racism, misogyny, and heteropatriarchy in […]
Annie Heckman Receives a Tsadra Dissertation Fellowship
Congratulations to Annie Heckman for being awarded a 2021 Tsadra Dissertation Fellowship! Annie’s dissertation focuses on a Tibetan digest of narratives for nuns’ rules in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya.
Rachelle Saruya Wins BDK Canada Graduate Scholarship
Rachelle Saruya has received the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Canada scholarship for 2021-2022. She will conduct doctoral research on Burmese Buddhist nuns’ education at a Japanese university with a mentor for one year. Congratulations, Rachelle!
Amber Moore Wins Khyentse Foundation Aśoka Grant for Translation
Amber Moore, together with the Ven. Druppon Rinchen Dorje, is the recipient of a Khyentse Foundation Aśoka Grant for Translation. The pair will complete an English translation of the Drikung Kagyu retreat text,The Advice of Vajradhāra Dharmakīrti: An Oral Exegesis on the Precepts of the Five-Fold Path of Mahāmudrā (phyag rgya chen po lnga ldan gyi khrid kyi […]