April 6, 2024
5:00 pm - 8:30 pm
William Doo Auditorium
Wilson Hall, 40 Willcocks St
Healing Songs
An immersive evening filled with Indigenous music, mindfulness, drum and dance
A special event for students, faculty and the public at the University of Toronto that brings together music, meditation, song, spoken word, drum and Anishinaabe dance into an immersive experience. Curated and performed by Dharma teacher, musician, and social worker Joe Reilly (who brings the lens of Buddhism and Indigenous wisdom to inform his songs/teachings), along with musicians from the “Community Gardeners” (which include many world-class musical friends of Joe Reilly) and “The All Nations Dancers” (a group of Anishinaabe dancers led by Ray Cadotte, an award-winning professional and Pow Wow dancer). Joe has been a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh since 2004 and will perform several songs inspired by this training and Buddhist teachings.
Prior to the performance starting, local Indigenous makers, artists and vendors will have tables and stations set up in the lobby area of the William Doo. Please join us anytime after 5:00pm to explore our marketplace and community space. Further details on vendors and makers coming soon!
All proceeds will be donated to our Indigenous collaborators.