Our Community includes Faculty & Teaching Staff in departments across the three campuses of U of T, as well as those in affiliated institutions nearby, who do research on Buddhism and/or teach about Buddhism from various disciplinary perspectives. Research Partners who teach our students and collaborate in developing new projects are essential members of our community, as are our Students and Alumni.
We are grateful for the support of our donors, who make possible all that we do at the Centre for Buddhist Studies. These include the Jose family, who have created the Phool Maya Chen Scholarship, an alumnus who offers support through the William Levman Scholarship, an anonymous donor who supports critical language instruction through the Machik Ödrön Fund for Tibetan Language and the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program, whose initial gift supports this program as well as many others around the world.
Our Community also includes you, the public, who attend our events locally and online, who take our courses locally and online, and who listen to our podcast and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.