Amber Moore, together with the Ven. Druppon Rinchen Dorje, is the recipient of a Khyentse Foundation Aśoka Grant for Translation. The pair will complete an English translation of the Drikung Kagyu retreat text,The Advice of Vajradhāra Dharmakīrti: An Oral Exegesis on the Precepts of the Five-Fold Path of Mahāmudrā (phyag rgya chen po lnga ldan gyi khrid kyi zin bris rjo rje ‘chang dharma kirti zhal lung) as documented by the student of Rigdzin Chokyi Drakpa, Konchok Trinlay Namgyal. This compendium is an essential manual for the three-year meditation retreat tradition maintained in the Drikung Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Vajrayāna Buddhism in Tibet, at Drikung Til, Jangchubling monastery, Dehra Dun, and Laphyi, Nepal.
Congratulations to the translation team!